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Mechanism of Action

Mechanism of Action

Watch to learn about the mechanism of action for TABRECTA® (capmatinib) tablets. Based on in vitro/in vivo studies. Preclinical activity does not correlate with clinical outcomes.
A Strong Start to mNSCLC Diagnosis TABRECTA Video

Testing: A Strong Start to mNSCLC Diagnosis

Hear a nurse navigator's perspective on how comprehensive biomarker testing can give patients a strong start to diagnosis in mNSCLC.
TABRECTA: An Overview and Deep Dive into the GEOMETRY mono-1 Trial

TABRECTA: An Overview and Deep Dive Into the GEOMETRY mono-1 Trial

Watch a renowned clinical expert provide a detailed review of TABRECTA® (capmatinib) tablets, including the role of METex14 in NSCLC pathogenesis, the GEOMETRY mono-1 trial, patient identification, and AE management.